Mining conglomerate BHP has taken a right to acquire a 75% stake in Australia's Cobre's Kitlanya projects in Botswana in ...
BHP has entered into an earn-in agreement with Cobre to invest up to $25m (A$39.6m) in exploring copper-silver deposits at ...
Mining giant BHP (ASX:BHP,NYSE:BHP,LSE:BHP) is providing up to AU$40 million for exploration work atCobre’s (ASX:CBE) Kitlanya East and West copper projects in Botswana, Cobre said on Monday (March 10 ...
The company also holds the separate Ngami and Okavango copper projects in Botswana and Mr Wooldridge said Cobre would advance these prospects “independently” from BHP. The Kalahari belt ...
Global mining giant BHP (ASX:BHP) has entered into an exploration agreement with Australian-listed Cobre Limited, committing up to $25 million (approximately A$40 million) to assess the copper and ...
Noronex Limited has been granted two strategic Botswanan prospecting licences on the Namibia-Botswana border, contiguous with ...
Mining giant BHP has taken a stake in Australian outfit Cobre's Kitlanya projects in Botswana in exchange for as much as USD ...
Mining conglomerate BHP (BHP.AX), opens new tab has taken a right to acquire a 75% stake in Australia's Cobre's (CBE.AX), opens new tab Kitlanya projects in Botswana in exchange for $25 million in ...
Mining giant BHP is looking to get copper-rich in Africa with the $198bn behemoth striking a $40m deal to take control of two ...
BHP has taken a right to acquire a 75% stake in Australia’s Cobre’s Kitlanya projects in Botswana in exchange for $25 million in funding for exploration activities, the copper explorer said on ...