A groundbreaking climate lawsuit is heading to trial in Germany next week, with Peruvian farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya ...
A Peruvian farmer goes head to head with German energy giant, in a climate law test case.
A German court is hearing a case by Peruvian farmer Saul Luciano Lliuya against energy giant RWE. The suit claims RWE's ...
The farmer is suing German energy giant RWE, demanding it contribute to the cost of flood mitigation measures in a landmark ...
He wants the German company to pay 17,000 euros ($18,400) towards flood defences for his community, arguing that the fossil ...
A ruling for a Peruvian farmer against a German energy giant would mark the first time any court has ordered a company to pay ...
A German court has begun hearing a landmark climate case by a Peruvian farmer, who says greenhouse gas emissions by German ...
Saul Luciano Lliuya is a Quechua-speaking farmer and mountain guide from Peru’s Ancash region. The 44-year-old believes that ...