Researchers across the United States collected data on more than 35 butterfly monitoring programs. It included data from 12.6 ...
A sweeping new study reveals that butterfly populations across the continental United States have plummeted by 22% over the ...
We found declines in just about every region of the continental U.S. and across almost all butterfly species. Overall, nearly one-third of the 342 butterfly species we were able to study declined ...
A study involving a Binghamton University assistant professor reported a significant decline in the country's butterflies ...
Image via Shutterstock The bees aren't the only things doing a vanishing act in recent years. It turns out that butterflies ...
“You can really make a difference to the local population. Any individual flower you put out it likely to get visited,” said ...
To get a single, country-wide look at the state of these bugs, Edwards and a team of more than 30 butterfly researchers ...
A new study finds the number of butterflies has dropped 22% since 2000, a new study finds. Scientists blame insecticides, ...
“Scientists could not get all the data we used,” Haddad said. “It took this incredible grassroots effort of people interested in nature.” Yet other butterfly counts, such as one run by ...
New research shows butterfly populations have fallen dramatically over the past two decades, but there’s a lot you can do to help these fluttering flower-lovers, even if all you’ve got is a ...