The problem, of course, is getting the deer to work with our schedules. Every year, people share trail-camera pictures of bucks shedding their antlers in December, accompanied by a flurry of theor ...
Walking in the woods and along the field lines, you never know what you or your dog may find — maybe even an antler that a ...
and I was in a stand overlooking a bean field that was full of deer when I saw him working towards me. He finally got within 25 yards and I shot right under him.” After that encounter, the buck ...
As the forest changes, the deer change their trails. If a big tree falls, the deer travel around it. They don’t usually go ...
Researchers have determined that bucks drop their antlers once the hormone levels wind down, usually as winter deepens. Some ...
As is almost always the case, 12-year-old Myka Coleman spotted the buck before her father, Mitch, saw it. Her dad has come to recognize the sharp intakes of breath and sometimes squeaks whenever his ...
What does he plan to buy with his prize money? “Gum and a toy,” says the hunter.
WASHTENAW COUNTY, Mich. — Washtenaw County has reported its first case of chronic wasting disease in a wild deer, according ...
Derek Horner This is my favorite place to look: A scrubby, overgrown field with some browse, berries, locust trees (deer love the pods), and the like. In winter, many bucks feel comfortable feeding ...
The author crossed the pond to stalk the Cotswolds with renowned chef, restaurateur and deer stalker Mike Robinson.
Buck often lose their antlers when ... is warmer and the snow is not as deep. In the winter, deer want cover and food. Locate a corn field that still has some waste corn in it.