An Australian man suffering from severe heart failure lived for more than three months with a titanium heart while waiting ...
Sienna, 4, was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and needs an artificial heart and a medical team to keep her alive ...
The Australian man was the sixth person to to receive the device called BiVACOR Total Artificial Heart (TAH), but the first ...
Jessica Eastes was a cardiac nurse when she learned she was in heart failure and would need a transplant to survive.
Loma Linda University Children's Hospital recently made history performing the first pediatric partial heart transplant in ...
When I woke up from the operation, I felt my heart beating for the first time in 18 years—it was like a rock concert in my ...
A heart transplant has given three-year-old Levi Williams from Hartsville, South Carolina, a new lease on life after ...
The Duke team performed the world’s first living mitral valve replacement, a type of partial heart transplant, which Duke ...
A protocol for transitioning patients with heart failure and a left ventricular assist device to a stepdown unit from the ICU ...
An Australian man lived for 100 days with an artificial titanium heart while he awaited a donor transplant, the longest ...
An Australian man with severe heart failure received a metal heart and was well enough to be discharged from the hospital ...
The patient, an Australian man in his 40s, lived with his fully functional heart implant long enough to be discharged from ...