Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! These are the words of great news for today. Out of the sacred word in scripture, today Christians recall that the tomb is empty, the burial clothes are ...
Throughout history, no one has made a greater impact than Jesus Christ. So, who is this person called Jesus? He was not just a man; He was God. It’s widely known Jesus was born of a virgin 2000 ...
POPE FRANCIS I: (Through interpreter) Brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ is risen. He alone has the power to roll away the stone that blocks the path of life.
Kevin Hagen/Getty Per Deadline, Erivo also played Mary Magdalene in the all-female concept album Jesus Christ Superstar: She Is Risen in 2020. According to Variety, Jesus Christ Superstar tells ...
Erivo previously portrayed Superstar’s Mary Magdalene in the two-volume all-female 2020 concept album Jesus Christ Superstar: She Is Risen. As Magdalene, Erivo performed “Everything’s ...