Equipped with hundreds of screens and cameras that can zoom in on the roadway up to 2 miles away, the Colorado Department of ...
During Tuesday’s public hearing, Mesa County approved a contract that will allow for 28 miles of road in the Orchard Mesa ...
In one Colorado city, thousands of streetlights are being converted to LEDs. The City of Boulder says this will provide ...
Colorado 94 east of Ellicott will remain closed in both directions due to trucks being blown over until about 8 p.m. Tuesday.
The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for much of the Colorado Rocky Mountains as heavy snow is ...
An early March snowstorm is beginning to have an impact on road conditions, and CDOT warned that road closures are "likely" ...
Overnight closures on Powers Blvd in Colorado for bridge work from March 10-13, with alternating southbound and northbound ...
Copper Mountain and Eldora are proud to be part of a groundbreaking initiative reshaping inclusivity in winter sports, the ...
The Colorado Department of Transportation and Golden Police Department closed Highway 93 Saturday night after a fatal crash.