Injured eagle that spent 40 days recovering after a fight was released back into the wild Monday at Indian Lake.
NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP - A bald eagle was rescued after being spotted on the side of the highway Thursday afternoon, authorities ...
Experts, observing from the ground, noticed the female eagle sitting in an “incubating position” in the nest. They believe the egg (or eggs) were laid Tuesday or Wednesday.
As the ice begins to melt on Chautauqua Lake, many familiar and welcomed winged sightings have been spotted along the ...
ROODHOUSE - A juvenile bald eagle injured in Roodhouse, Ill. on May 29, 2024, is on the road to freedom after an extensive rehabilitation process. The ...
The golden eagle, scientific name Aquila chrysaetos ... the best time to release him," said the self-taught conservationist ...
The Wildlife Center of Virginia will be publicly releasing a bald eagle back into the wild on Thursday afternoon.