Wikimedia Commons // Public Domain George Washington is known as one of the heroes of the American Revolution, but he actually started his military career as a member of the British army in the ...
Feb. 22, 1732 George Washington is born in a modest house ... most hardscrabble farmers and small-time merchants, holding the British army at bay in Boston. Washington was determined to impose ...
The British actively recruited slaves ... 5,000 black men served in the Continental Army, and hundreds more served on the sea. Had George Washington been less ambivalent, more blacks might have ...
On March 17, 1776, the Continental Army under Gen. George Washington forced British troops to evacuate Boston.
Army History, No. 117 (Fall 2020), pp. 6-27 (22 pages) Benjamin H. Newcomb, “Washington’s Generals and the Decision to Quarter at Valley Forge,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 117, no.
Though they worked in close proximity for years, Alexander Hamilton and George ... Hamilton, Washington found a brilliant administrator who could help bring order to an unruly army, and later ...
A rare letter from George ... 1,500 British soldiers and loyalists landed on the Connecticut shore and marched 25 miles ...