Also available to staff members is the ability to initiate a more formal internal grievance process that has been established by the College for the timely resolution of all concerns related to ...
If the student is not satisfied with the result of a meeting with the instructor or with efforts of the student mediator to achieve resolution through the informal process outlined above, the student ...
Supervisors and managers should discuss disciplinary actions with their HR Business Partner, listed within the staff directory. According to the Faculty and Staff Handbook, disciplinary guidelines are ...
If informal discussions with the supervisor (respondent) do not resolve the issue, the employee (initiator) may submit an Alternative Dispute Resolution Initiation Form. This form should include a ...
The letter shows that the sender is serious about coming to a resolution. Demand letters ... letter The parties involved The date/time of the grievance A description of any damages incurred ...
All University of Delaware students, including those enrolled in distance learning courses, who desire to resolve a grievance related to grades, disability accommodations, discrimination, or ...
This section describes potential insufficient performance criteria and other problem behaviors, how due process is ensured, how interns can appeal if they disagree with decisions, and how interns can ...
The Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedure has two distinct stages ... you may also be asked to provide a witness statement or documentary evidence (e.g. e-mails, letters etc.) prior to the hearing ...