Westbound Interstate 70 reopened after a crash in the area of Exit 251 and US 40 in El Rancho, three miles west of Genesee ... is being used at US 40. CDOT cameras showed lanes were back open ...
They said peak times for traffic on Saturday are 6-8 a.m. heading west starting at Floyd Hill and 2-6 p.m. heading east from the Eisenhower Tunnel. On Sunday, CDOT expects pretty much all day for ...
Equipped with hundreds of screens and cameras that can zoom in on the roadway up to 2 miles away, the Colorado Department of ...
In addition to low visibility, winds exceeding 50 mph and gusting to over 60 mph are likely to impact travel for high-profile ...
the department said it will be holding and turning back oversized trucks periodically while I-70 is briefly stopped for avalanche mitigation work. CDOT is also closing Loop Road on the west side ...
EVERGREEN – Highway crews detonated 4,400 pounds of explosives packed into 150 holes drilled into Clear Creek Canyon west of Denver ... is to make room for I-70,” CDOT project director Kurt ...
This weekend, CDOT expects 3,000 vehicles per hour will travel through the tunnel on Sunday afternoon. Friday traffic is projected to peak from 5-8 p.m. on westbound I-70 starting at Floyd Hill. On ...
6:35 p.m.: Interstate 70 eastbound continues to experience heavy traffic between Exit 203 at Frisco and Exit 260, 1 mile west of Golden, according to CoTrip.org. CDOT estimates an up to 2.5 hour ...
For every hour that the I-70 mountain corridor ... The facility on the west side of the tunnel now hosts a new operations center decked out with high-tech cameras and screens, living quarters ...