Maui County at 11 a.m. today marked a milestone in Lahaina’s reopening by removing barricades at the entry to the north side of Front Street from Honoapi‘ilani Highway. The intersection has ...
LAHAINA (HawaiiNewsNow ... The plan that emerged included a ban on street parking with many residents adding parking on their own lots. They would have to build their houses to updated codes ...
Timi Gilliom, captain and builder of the voyaging canoe Mo‘okiha o Pi‘ilani, awoke from a midday nap in Hui O Wa’a Kaulua’s ...
The Maui News / MELISSA TANJI photo LAHAINA — With the destruction of the famous Front Street behind him and the shells of burned buildings around him, President Joe Biden told the residents of ...
Front Street remained open to traffic ... Maui Hands owner Panna Cappelli, whose Lahaina location burned in the fire, said she used to close her gallery doors early on Halloween to make way ...
HONOLULU--Soon after one of Maui’s Japanese Buddhist temples, the Lahaina ... burn zone would keep them away. Melody Lukela-Singh plans to take a hazardous materials course before visiting the ...
Visitors won't see Waiola Church, Lahaina Hongwanji Mission, the historic Baldwin Home or popular restaurants like Kimo's, Fleetwood's on Front Street or Cheeseburger in Paradise, all burned.
COURTESY PHOTO Barricades have been removed from the north terminus of Front Street in Lahaina. COURTESY PHOTO Barricades have been removed from the north terminus of Front Street in Lahaina.