Verdant valleys, crashing surf and great bites abound on Maui’s north coast, where the towns of Paia and Wailuku beckon.
The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photo Beachgoers ... the dirt parking lots at Paia Bay and Baldwin Beach have become congested with cars during certain hours of the day by people trying to run ...
Baldwin Beach Park and much of the surrounding land used to be owned by Maui’s Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company, or HC&S, ...
and Paia Bay (five). Vehicle break-ins in East Maui are not limited to Paia. Victims who had parked at Twin Falls and the Bamboo Forest in Haiku reported 33 and 23 break-ins, respectively ...
Strung along Maui's wild and windy North Shore ... A quick walk from town is Paia Bay, with incredible, yet dangerous swells and stunning sunsets. A five-minute drive from town is Baldwin Beach ...
A Disney star has apologized to the people of Hawaii after a video showing her touching an endangered sea turtle on Maui led to an uproar on social media.
From Paia’s perch on Maui’s north coast, you can make straightforward highway jaunts to gorgeous beaches and intriguing towns. But since it’s not too far from the neighborhood, head to ...