The parasites known to cause babesiosis are shown here infecting red blood cells under the microscope. (Image credit: Smith Collection/Gado / Contributor via Getty Images) Typical symptoms of ...
There are two types of human intestinal parasites, protozoa – single-celled organisms that can multiply inside the human body – and helminths, organisms such as tapeworms, roundworms and ...
Once in the human brain, the parasite can trigger headaches, a stiff neck, vomiting, confusion, tingling or burning sensations and eventually, seizures and vision problems. RELATED STORIES ...
So far, no preventative vaccination against malaria exists, and its control depends heavily upon antimalarial drugs that kill parasites inside the human body. Malaria has been noted for more than ...
The parasite larvae then matures inside the gastropods, allowing the cycle to repeat. But sometimes other animals—and even plants—can get involved, laying the groundwork for human transmission.