The workout routine for 6-pack abs includes reverse crunches, woodchoppers, weighted crunches, and serratus jabs. Detailed ...
I’m going to focus on one exercise that you can do for every abdominal muscle. It’s not to achieve a flat stomach, but to ...
Our core is key for everyday movement, but when most of us train it we tend to just do exercises that isolate our ‘superficial’ ab muscles, like the rectus abdominis and external obliques.
Muscles involved in this yoga asana are rectus abdominis, triceps, serratus anterior and gluteus maximus. These are some of the muscles which get involved while you do this pose. This traditional ...
Background Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) of the knee in youth is one of the most frequent of anterior knee pain in athletes. There are several risk factors that contribute to this disease. Objective ...