So said British author Cyril Connolly. Did he foresee, all the way back in the 1930s, the rise, and thus far the fall, of Richard Gasquet? As a kid, the Frenchman, who this Saturday won his first ...
Richard Gasquet’s fabled career will not officially conclude until Roland Garros this spring. Still, the 38-year-old Frenchman saw his legendary tenure at the Open Sud de France in Montpellier ...
With 16 singles titles and a former number 7 ranking on the ATP circuit, Richard Gasquet has undoubtedly established himself as a household figure. In addition to his outstanding performance on ...
Richard Gasquet will play the French Open, saying that if it were any other tournament, "I would have withdrawn." "It's a very important tournament, I want to play," he said. "The back is better ...