Somewhere in South Africa’s Cape Province, 20 boys have been hospitalised because some quacks botched their circumcision. More outrageous is that four of those boys will have their organs ...
Male circumcision is often a sensitive topic in South Africa but popular comedian, artist and motivational presenter, ...
Because these factors, too, might have affected the spread of HIV, three independent groups of scientists launched rigorous studies of circumcision's effects in Uganda, Kenya, and South Africa.
He's referring to one country but USAID — the United States Agency for International Development — has funded male circumcision programs in a number of countries in southern and eastern Africa through ...
The deaths of three girls have reinvigorated efforts to ban female genital mutilation (FGM ... today have undergone FGM in 30 countries – in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
stepped up its efforts to support male circumcision programs around the world, including in Mozambique. "Over the last 18 years, governments around eastern and southern Africa, where there are ...