When you’ve devoted years of your life to covering Street Fighter 2 history, it’s nice knowing you’re not alone. So when I ...
The 1994 Street Fighter flick. It’s not like I hate the movie or anything like that, though. For example, when it comes to the original Mortal Kombat movie vs. the 1994 Street Fighter movie ...
“Street Fighter” was previously adapted into a live-action film in 1994 with a cast that included Jean-Claude Van Damme, Ming Na Wen and Raul Julia. It was a commercial success despite being a ...
Set to release in March 2026, the upcoming movie will reboot the property for the big screen years after the 1994 iteration and 2009's Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li. The games, which ...
Legendary’s Street Fighter will be the third attempt by Hollywood at adapting the Capcom fighting game franchise. In 1994, Universal Pictures released the first Street Fighter movie, which was ...
Of course, it's by no means the first Street Fighter film adaptation, following the infamous 1994 film starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Kylie Minogue. The Street Fighter film will be up against ...
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Fans may recall how there already was a Street Fighter movie back in 1994 starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. It made almost $100 million at the box office back then. Kristin Kreuk starred in the ...
The filmmaker, perhaps best known for writing, directing and exec producing The Eric Andre Show, has been tapped to direct Street Fighter ... including the infamous 1994 version that starred ...
A new Street Fighter movie has selected its challenger, I mean, director. The Hollywood Reporter says Kitao Sakurai, writer, director, and executive producer on the absurd comedy show The Eric ...