The amount of water leaving the upper Thames watershed would cause flooding of low-lying river flats adjacent to the river from Delaware down to Chatham, it said. "Based on current forecasts ...
has issued a flood outlook for smaller watercourses and the Thames River, warning of potential localized flooding as warm temperatures and rainfall increase runoff into waterways. Daytime highs ...
warning of potential flooding and ice jam risks along the Thames River as spring melt progresses. A colder-than-usual winter has led to a significant snowpack in the upper Thames River watershed ...
Heavy snowpack and high reservoir levels are prompting the Malheur County Emergency Management Office to warn the public ...
"We are monitoring the situation. Our staff are managing weirs on the River Thames to reduce flood risk. "Avoid using low ...
The photo looks south from near the intersection of Thames and Dover streets. Just outside of the photo, to the far left, would be the Fifth Street north approach to Fifth Street Bridge. In those days ...
The EA said workers' and river users' safety is a "top priority" and that it will give further details on "modernising navigation on the Thames" later. The union said severe weather and flooding ...
which relies on the Thames river for drinking water, food, and protection from coastal flooding. "ZSL is working closely with partners to create new estuarine habitat, including native oysters ...
We heard from Thames Water customers ... which have contributed to flooding at the property. These things include its location on a flood plain of the Blackwater River, and the fact that his ...
The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA) says flooding is possible over the next several days. A flood watch is in effect until next Tuesday, March 11. Officials say municipalities, ...