Kaxwaan Éesh George Davis: Kootéeyaa akaaach’ák’w. He carved a totem pole. Keihéenák’w John Martin: Yóo ḵawdudziteey i duwasáakw kootéeyaa. The thing being carved is called kootéeyaa.
The wood for the totem poles was cut from the Nakagawa Experimental ... including “Kami no Shita” (Tongue of God), made of Japanese oak said to weigh 7 tons, “TOH” (Tower), a vertical ...
One moment that may have you scratching your head is the Totem Pole Puzzle within the Hopes of Spring chapter. Here's a breakdown of how to get past this. While you are trying to find the Monkey ...
All individual pitches of the original climb up the Totem Pole in Tasmania, Australia, were freed in January by Doug McConnell and Dean Rollins. News from downunder sometimes takes time to sicker ...