Applying for a patent or trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) comes with an unexpected risk ...
A Trademark is a legally registered distinctive mark or sign which identifies goods, products or services that originate or are associated with a particular person or enterprise . A typical ...
A managing partner describes the "constant" cyber attack the firm has faced since its attempts to raise awareness of trademark scams. A UK-based IT company has spoken of the “reputational impact” it ...
Meta is alerting Facebook users of a widespread scam. The social media giant said Facebook users are receiving fake messages about their accounts, as scammers are sending Facebook messages telling ...
Cybercrime is big businesses, and it’s only getting worse. In fact, 68% of global organizations have experienced at least one cyber attack, and the cost of cybercrimes is forecasted to ...
Applying for a patent or trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office comes with an unexpected risk—your ...
Applying for a patent or trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) comes with an unexpected risk —your mailing and email addresses become part of the public record.
How to avoid trademark scams Review your application status regularly ... Check the domain name. If you receive an email you aren’t sure about, check the sender’s domain name.