UDOT cameras showed several inches of snow on the ... UDOT officials have asked drivers to give plows room on Utah's roads as the work to clear snow on the interstates and major roadways.
The Utah Department of Transportation’s plan for Main Street calls for adding new connections, extending streets, realigning ...
The Kimball Junction is on the docket for some changes and the Utah Department of Transportation is asking the public for ...
The same could be said for Pioneer Crossing during rush hour traffic. The Utah Department of Transportation, or UDOT, is looking to ease traffic headaches for commuters in those areas, among ...
As part of its efforts to meet the transportation needs of an ever-expanding Utah County, the Utah Department of ...
Another challenge is the safety of getting Utah residents to and from the trails through the streets in every community. Braceras said UDOT is exploring a handful of ideas, like reducing speeds on ...