The devastating fires in Los Angeles have numerous secondary effects as scientists are finding out now off the coast of ...
In 2024, the yearly average level of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) rose faster over the prior year than ever before ...
High pressure in the Great Basin and low pressure over northern Baja California, plus a very strong jet stream roaring ...
Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego recently partnered with the non-profit organization Black In Marine ...
The interface between marine chemistry and marine biology, ranging from natural products chemistry and biotechnology to biogeochemistry and biochemistry relating to marine systems. Many of our ...
Collecting, processing, and analyzing genetic information to better understand the distribution and evolution of organisms at a population level.
The primary area of research is air-sea interaction, including the topics of surface wave dynamics, air-sea fluxes, upper ocean turbulence, including Langmuir circulations, and the remote sensing of ...
The study of the processes that lead to the formation, growth, and precipitation of clouds in the boundary layer of the lower atmosphere. Develops models and analyzes observations to understand the ...
CW3E provides water cycle science, technology and outreach to support effective policies and practices that address the impacts of extreme weather and water events on the environment, people and the ...