Reports from eastern DR Congo are not reassuring. The ongoing war in North Kivu is escalating into a regional conflict that is spreading far beyond Goma. Militiamen belonging to the armed group M23, ...
The Pope calls for the signs of the times to be transformed into signs of hope. The signs of the times are those of a Mediterranean Sea torn apart by conflict and discord. Inhabiting the present times ...
Anda Rottenberg is a renowned Polish art critic and historian, also known for her installations in the Polish pavilion at the ...
Which of the foreign policy breakthroughs that Trump has promised will be actually delivered, now that he has taken office? In the flood of promises, some concrete signs are emerging. Recent ...
Viktor Orban, in visita a Mosca, con Vladimir Putin (Foto ANSA/SIR) “In a few hours, even the sun will shine differently in Brussels,” said Viktor Orban on the eve of the swearing-in of the ...
Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States with an inaugural speech punctuated by rhetorical slogans and bold promises, including the deportation of migrants, the revival ...
L’11 febbraio si terrà la XXXIII Giornata mondiale del malato che quest’anno ha come tema “Con i sofferenti, pellegrini di ...
Nel pomeriggio di oggi, Papa Francesco ha incontrato online alcuni giovani ucraini a Kyiv e in altre città dell’Europa e dell’America. Dopo un momento di preghiera, i ragazzi hanno letto testimonianze ...
Cosa implica la nascita del primo figlio in una relazione di coppia? È possibile una narrazione alternativa a quella corrente che sottolinea solo le fatiche e non la ricchezza dell’esperienza? Quali r ...
La Società italiana per la bioetica e i comitati etici (Sibce), l’Associazione medici cattolici italiani (Amci) e il Forum sociosanitario promuovono, on line, mercoledì 5 febbraio l’incontro “La parro ...