XR flew about 1.37 million miles (2.2M km) away from Earth. The space rock is estimated to be about 300-700 km (248-434 miles) wide. Credit: Space.com | animation courtesy: 2024 NEO Coordination Centr
YR4's impact chance is now 0.002% and has been downgraded to Torino Scale Level 0, posing no threat to Earth, after recent observations.
The rock tour has officially been canceled. After two months of observations, NASA scientists have officially declared Earth safe from “city-killer” asteroid 2024 YR4.
The space rock caused quite a stir after astronomers first spotted it last year on a trajectory bringing it uncomfortably close to Earth in 2032.
Chances an asteroid may hit Earth in 2032 dropped to near zero, astronomers say. Here's what to know about 2024 YR4.
Good news for those concerned about reports of a potential asteroid impact in 2032: NASA has dramatically lowered the probability of an impact from asteroid 2024 YR4. The new assessment provides reason for optimism.
The chance that a football field-sized asteroid capable of destroying a city will strike Earth in 2032 has fallen to 0.001 percent, the European Space Agency said on Tuesday.
Less than two months after asteroid 2024 YR4 shot to the top of the European Space Agency’s risk list of near-Earth objects, ESA now says it “no longer poses significant impact risk” and has downgraded the threat to a Level 0 from Level 3 on the Torino Impact Hazard Scale .
No, or at least not because of the 2024 YR4 asteroid. There is now a .004 percent chance it will impact Earth. Here’s NASA’s explanation of why it’s no longer considered a threat (for at least the next century, anyway):
There’s still a 1.7 percent chance that asteroid 2024 YR4 could hit the moon on Dec. 22, 2032, according to NASA.
After two months of observations, scientists have almost fully ruled out any threat from the asteroid 2024 YR4, NASA and the European Space Agency said Tuesday. At one point, the odds of a strike in 2032 were as high as about 3% and topped the world’s ...