Around 7:35 p.m., they breached a window, and Kaufenberg fired several rounds at officers. A suspected birdshot fired from a shotgun hit a deputy in his safety glasses, according to the Sheriff ...
Matt Maier, the owner of Thousand Hills, said in a prepared statement that “it seems as though an unscrupulous actor may have targeted one of our grazing animals with some birdshot that got ...
Metal shots or BBs were found inside Thousand Hills Local Farms beef products at the Lakewinds Food Co-op in Richfield, ...
According to a news release from the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office, a suspect in a domestic dispute fired several rounds from a ... were struck by suspected birdshot from the shotgun.
One deputy was struck in his safety glasses by suspected birdshot from the shotgun. The SWAT team had deployed multiple armored vehicles to the location for the protection of its members.
Deputies say the suspect, who refused to leave the home, fired shotgun rounds at SWAT team members. No injuries were reported during the standoff, but one deputy was struck by suspected birdshot ...
Multiple round, yellowish-white lesions appear in the ... immunosuppressive therapy is usually required to prevent recurrence. Birdshot chorioretinopathy is an intraocular inflammatory disorder ...
I haven't changed that recipe in ten year. The only thing that's different round here is you showing up. There is one other thing that's different. You could barely get out of that chair last time.
At 7:35 p.m. Saturday SWAT team members entered a bedroom window, and Kaufenberg fired several rounds from a shotgun, with birdshot hitting a SWAT team member's safety goggles. Kaufenberg was then ...
After hours of unsuccessful talks, SWAT officers breached a bedroom wind at 7:35 p.m. "After the window was breached, [the suspect] fired multiple rounds from a shotgun at officers. One deputy was ...
After the window was breached, Kaufenberg fired multiple rounds from a shotgun at officers. One deputy was struck in his safety glasses by suspected birdshot from the shotgun. The SWAT team had ...