But the full extent of the slashing is still unclear as neither the Trump administration nor Columbia has shared what grants and contracts were ended.
A campaign by Despard’s wife, Catherine, ensured his imprisonment became the subject of a three-week debate in the House of ...
Funeral services for Al Simpson have been announced, which includes two days of the former longtime Wyoming U.S. senator ...
Elizabeth 'Betsy' Nalty has been selected to receive the 2024 Times-Picayune Loving Cup award for her civic work.
Trauma creates overwhelming feelings of vulnerability and helplessness that cannot be cognitively processed into a meaningful ...
As the ship entered Lake Superior’s Whitefish Bay between Michigan and Canada on Aug. 30, a gale came up. With no cargo, the ...
It’s safe to say that these players have scored a lot of goals in their careers – but one has to stand out, surely. So any ...
The Nimnicht family has produced three Players chairmen: Ed Nimnicht (1978), his sister ... Dick Stratton, Gordon Thompson, Peter Kirill, Tommy Gay, Don Davis and Mike Hartley.
J. L. Maughs was boasting about town as a recipient of the best maple syrup he has ever tasted. John Martin, east of ...