BENEATH the grey waters off southern England, 400 million mussels cling to ropes dangling from buoys spread across an area ...
Fighting Dirty initiates proceedings against Environment Agency as File on 4 reveals reality of Indian pyrolysis operations ...
Thames Water has been inspected more than 300 times by the Environment Agency since last April in a 'crackdown' on infrastructure compliance.
Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service is currently dealing with a fire in the Eden Valley, between the Lake District and the Pennines.
North Sea Transition Authority awarded 31 licences as part of the 33rd round in May last year, with over two thirds falling ...
The National Farmers' Union said the clear-up costs for fly-tipping "costs the industry tens of millions of pounds a year".
Plans for a Cranswick ‘megafarm’ in Norfolk look set to be blocked by the local council over concerns about the environmental ...
Work to reduce the risk of flooding and to protect the River Avon has been completed. The £2 million project saw a ...
Benjamin Summers, 80, ignored demands to clear the huge pile of waste in village where homes go for average of more than £1m ...
A struggle that pits regional environmental activists against an airport expansion for private jets has national—and even ...
A group of residents have raised environmental concerns over a development at a former landfill site. Cambridge City Council ...