Com que ja s’haurà parlat abastament del VAR, intentarem centrar-nos en el que és purament futbol, un esport en què juguen ...
In a thrilling clash for the Catalan Cup semifinals, FC Barcelona will face their local rivals, Espanyol, on March 20 at 3:45 AM. With the first team entirely occupied with international duties, the ...
By allowing FC Barcelona to proceed with a youthful lineup, a statement is made about the values underpinning the sport—chiefly, the importance of nurturing young talent. Barcelona's commitment to ...
Atletico Madrid's Rodrigo Riquelme, bottom, falls on the pitch challenged by Barcelona's Robert Lewandowski during a La Liga ...
Hansi Flick, doncs, ja treballa a dinàmica Copa Catalunya, amb un greu problema: la configuració de la convocatòria. I és que ...
El director de la Film Symphony Orchestra, Constantino Martínez-Orts, presenta a 'La Brúixola' la dotzena edició de ...
GironaA valuable point at the RCDE Stadium. Although the scenery was demanding and the rival was in a good dynamic, Míchel ...
Dangerous Villarreal loom just below the top four.There's also a former champion languishing in the relegation fight, while ...
Mikel Arteta seems to enjoy constantly refreshing the goalkeeper positions in his squad. When Andrea Berta officially gets ...
FC Barcelona are set to face off against Atletico Madrid twice in the next couple of weeks – first in La Liga this Sunday and ...
En el futbol modern, on els fitxatges milionaris solen acaparar els titulars, trobar una joia oculta a cost zero pot ...