Aquila, a rescued golden eagle, was grounded after captors in Tunisia clipped his wings, but after months of rehabilitation ...
Seteweela, a 14-year-old golden eagle originally from the San Francisco area, was rendered flightless at about the age of 3 ...
A golden eagle (Aquila chysaetos) was recently spotted soaring over the Kankakee Sands prairie, to which we say, “That’s ...
It does this by using high-performance optical systems, robotics and artificial intelligence software. When eagles, other ...
The Topeka Zoo has a new face of the avian variety. On Wednesday, the Topeka Zoo announced that they have a new 14-year-old Golden Eagle, Seteweela, they’re taking care ...
The golden eagle, scientific name Aquila chrysaetos ... clipped wings -- as we as fennec foxes and wolves. More than 200 animals have passed through the makeshift rehab centre, said Ouni, who ...
Aquila, a rescued golden eagle, was grounded after captors in Tunisia ... has given Aquila a second chance as birds and other animals increasingly fall victim to poaching, habitat loss and extreme ...