Funding from Hawaii County and the state totaling $6 million is bringing a decadelong effort to build Hilo’s first skate park closer to fruition.
The grant was awarded to the Native Pacific Education and Culture Center for Entrepreneurship to help cover vendor costs.
HILO — The sun shined brightly on the new football field Saturday at Hilo High, as the Big Island Interscholastic Federation (BIIF) girls flag football season got underway with four pre-season games.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The University of Hawaii at Hilo is hosting a conference to revitalize the Hawaiian language. On Monday and Tuesday, UH Hilo is hosting He Olelo Ola, an event that ...
Hawaiian Electric crews will replace utility poles in Hilo on Tuesday and again on March 20. The work will require intermittent or full road closures while the work is being performed. Crews on ...