More than £1.2 billion has been spent on the Lower Thames Crossing despite construction still not being under way, it has been revealed. The £9bn project would see a new 14-mile road connect ...
More than £1.2 billion has been spent on the Lower Thames Crossing despite construction still not being under way, it has ...
This follows news that the long-promised Lower Thames Crossing has now cost £1bn with a single spade yet to go in the ground. The weekly podcast brings together Simon Finlay, Robert Boddy and Dan ...
“Changes that would fast-track major infrastructure projects, such as the Lower Thames Crossing and Heathrow expansion, are especially welcome,” British Chambers of Commerce Director General ...
We call on Parliament to demand that Ministers evaluate the alternatives properly before authorising the Lower Thames Crossing or agreeing to what would undoubtedly be an exorbitant private finance ...
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