The government introduced a new bill on Tuesday aimed at clearing blocks to building to get Britain growing again.
Alongside supporting the Save Middlewick campaign, Essex Wildlife Trust are also campaigning against the Lower Thames Crossing ... which will attempt to map out what areas are most suitable ...
More than £1.2 billion has been spent on the Lower Thames Crossing despite construction still not being under way, it has been revealed. The £9bn project would see a new 14-mile road connect ...
This follows news that the long-promised Lower Thames Crossing has now cost £1bn with a single spade yet to go in the ground. The weekly podcast brings together Simon Finlay, Robert Boddy and Dan ...
Officials are also exploring private investment options for the long-delayed £9 billion Lower Thames Crossing tunnel. A transport department spokesperson downplayed concerns, stating ...
Earlier reports suggested the government was going to come in behind the project when the chancellor announced support for expanding Heathrow and building the Lower Thames Crossing, but that ...
We call on Parliament to demand that Ministers evaluate the alternatives properly before authorising the Lower Thames Crossing or agreeing to what would undoubtedly be an exorbitant private finance ...
Then €69 per month. Complete digital access to quality FT journalism on any device. Cancel anytime during your trial. Complete digital access to quality FT journalism with expert analysis from ...
"In this part of Essex, we’ve seen the decision on the Lower Thames Crossing delayed, while the A12 and A120 schemes are at risk as Labour have kicked them into the long grass. "I will keep on ...