And it’s true. Vance memes are being shared by both people who are making Vance look like a child because they believe he ...
The post got very little traction, but on March 4, user @PeterTwinklage helped turn it into the definitive Coming Out As A Trump Voter meme with the comment, “‘fiscally conservative and socially ...
"First Day on the Internet Kid" and many more awkward teens rounding out the ever-growing collection of memes featuring kids. They go insanely viral due to funny faces, gestures and expressions ...
There is a definitive case to be made - That this is the funniest meme internet culture has ever created. All of our timelines have been eviscerated the last 5 days and I've come to tears laughing ...
Bizarre edits of JD Vance’s face have spread across the internet, to the point where Vance is in on the joke—here’s the origin and spread of the meme, explained.
Their faces have become a byword for success, exasperation and drama after their photos were shared across the world. They say a picture says a thousand words, but in the early 2000s teenagers ...