The animated charmer “The Wild Robot” begins streaming on Peacock on January 24. Writer-director Chris Sanders adapted Peter Brown’s middle grade novel about a smart robot (voiced by Lupita Nyong’o) ...
A buzzy sci-fi thriller and a behind-the-scenes docuseries are also among the shows trending across streaming services including Amazon Prime Video, Max and Apple TV+.
Netflix initially dominated this space but was overtaken by AmazonPrimeVideo in 2024, reflecting the competitive dynamics shaping LatAm’s content landscape. LatAm represents the smallest ...
Netflix, Hulu, AmazonPrimeVideo, Max, Disney+, Paramount+, Peacock, and Apple TV+ all have one thing in common: They’re more expensive than they used to be. We can live with higher rates as ...
A biographical sports drama and a dark comedy are also among the films trending across streaming services including Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Max and AMC+.