Here are the Twin Cities plant sales happening this spring that will get your green thumb going. When: Tuesday, May 13, from ...
It works well on multi-stemmed, twiggy shrubs such as Berberis, Buddleia, Chaenomeles, red-twig dogwood (Cornus), Cotinus ... Keep in mind the direction that you want the new stem to grow and select ...
or are about to be, include tree species such as redbuds, magnolias, flowering cherry, flowering dogwood and more.
Plant sales are sprouting around the Twin Cities as gardeners (and would-be gardeners) prepare to start planting landscapes, vegetables, and more. Here are the Twin Cities plant sales happening this ...
In a strong show of environmental commitment, Finca Malawi has donated 3,000 tree seedlings to 13 schools in Chigumukire Zone, Chileka, as part of its ongoing sustainability initiatives. The donation ...