Seattle Opera will kick off the spring season with an exciting pair of recitals, led by a special one-night-only appearance ...
Ursula Liang’s documentary gives outsiders the low-down on the intense game and its importance ... Even when the story of the Salem Witch Trials is told with accuracy, the distance of centuries ...
Salem, Massachusetts is best known for the Witch Trials of 1692. That history turned the small town into a Halloween destination, with more than 1 million people flocking there in the month of October ...
Mr. Howlett is related to Mary Bradbury, who was convicted of witchcraft in the Salem trials. “Being a witch meant that you’d signed a covenant with the devil in most European traditions ...
In 1692, the colonial town of Salem, Massachusetts, became caught up in a fervor over alleged witchcraft. In her new book “The Witches,” Stacy Schiff explores what led a group of Puritans to ...