Most scams cast their nets wide and far. But technology is making the targeting of specific individuals far easier—including ...
Fake Apple virus warnings, security alerts and messages are tactics used to prompt you to call a number or click on a malicious link. The CyberGuy explains how to protect your devices.
People ages 18 to 24 reported the highest number of successful scams ... In its report, McAfee illustrated how one type of tax scam might work. You receive an urgent text or email claiming ...
Young adults (18-24) are the most frequent tax scam targets ... numbers, birth dates, and banking information to fuel future fraud. Here’s what they’re asking for most: McAfee researchers ...
Toll road text scams have used over 60,000 domain names and Apple, Android have been powerless to prevent the fraud from hitting users everywhere.
Scammers are leveraging AI chatbots trained on large language models to deceive job seekers with persistent, well-structured ...
It was almost an hour into our Google Meet call. I was interviewing Kitboga, a popular YouTube scam baiter with nearly 3.7 ...
"It is obviously working ... tax-time scams will soon really ramp up. What really makes the toll scam effective is that it is cheap and easy for scammers to utilize. They can buy numbers in ...
New research from McAfee ... in a tax scam If you happen to find yourself involved in a tax scam, immediately report it to the IRS. “If someone’s Social Security Number or Tax Number ...
In a 2023 survey, the antivirus software company McAfee found that a quarter of adults across seven countries have experienced some form of AI voice scam. The survey also found that 77% of victims ...
Litwin says choosing software based on the price is the most common mistake they see in the security sector. Instead, it’s ...