The cellular life cycle, also called the cell cycle, includes many processes necessary for successful self-replication. Beyond carrying out the tasks of routine metabolism, the cell must duplicate ...
The cell cycle has been the subject of intense investigation during two periods since Virchow's 1855 realization that cells only arise from pre-existing cells. At the turn of the century ...
an organism grows an organism becomes damaged and needs to produce new cells for repair organisms like bacteria reproduce asexually It is essential that any new cells produced contain genetic ...
As viewed from a human perspective, nature has done some ingenious engineering to overcome some of the obstacles it has faced. Take the evolution of sex, for instance. To make the move from ...
Germinal centers are high-speed evolution machines. Tiny clusters in the lymph nodes, germinal centers refine antibodies ...
A life cycle is the series of stages something passes through during its lifetime. We also use the term for things that are not living, like cell phones. The life cycle for anything you buy includes ...
New research from an international team of plant biologists, led by researchers at the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, has revealed crucial insights into the role ...