Daylight saving time begins on March 9. Here's how "springing forward" can affect your physical and mental health.
Without daylight saving time, Omaha's latest sunset would be at 8 p.m., not 9 p.m. With permanent daylight saving time, the ...
Daylight Saving Time was introduced as an attempt to make better use of the natural daylight hours during the longer days of ...
The time change can be hard on our health. There are more car accidents, strokes and heart attacks this week. People eat more ...
This weekend, it was time to “spring forward” one hour and lose one hour of sleep.On the second Sunday of March, at 2 a.m., ...
If you're feeling sick and tired after the clocks hopped forward overnight, you might also be feeling sick and tired of the ...
Why it matters: The annual time change (overnight Saturday to Sunday this year), precedes a higher incidence of car accidents ...
New bills filed at the Texas Legislature would end the practice of changing your clocks. State lawmakers react to President ...
The start of daylight saving time should offer Portlanders a mostly dry chance to explore the outdoors -- or get that yard ...
For the next eight months, most of us will be observing daylight saving time. But what if this became our permanent time?
Daylight saving time could take effect for the last time on Sunday. Amid the federal government debating whether to keep ...
After a long winter of short days, it’s finally time to spring forward. Clocks across the U.S. will jump from 1:59 a.m. to 3 ...