THURSDAY’S SUNRISE: 7:23 AM THURSDAY’S SUNSET: 7:12 PM Elmira, N.Y. (WETM)– Happy Thursday! Dry air under high ...
Thursday will be mostly sunny and very warm. Our high temperatures will be near record highs for the next two days before we ...
Aware: Scholars put the date of Christ's crucifixion on Friday April 3, 33 CE based on a lunar eclipse that happened on that same day. Skies should be mostly clear, meaning unimpeded viewing of Friday ...
A few patchy clouds could be around overnight, but there should still be good viewing conditions for the total lunar eclipse.
Temperatures will remain feeling like May with temperatures in the 70s each afternoon through Saturday. A couple of showers ...
According to reporting from USA TODAY, the worst places to see the eclipse will likely be the far West, the Rockies and the ...
The main system that has our attention is this weekend, but an isolated strong to severe storm is possible Thursday afternoon.
We will have partly sunny skies on Thursday and high temperatures will be between 46 and 53 degrees. Overnight, It will be ...