Wolf Man” is here to point out a grisly beast could lie in all of us. We just need a few altering moments to let it go.
As it exits theaters in the coming days, Wolf Man has driven a stake through the $20 million mark as its final domestic box office milestone.
In fact, according to Levy, Invincible turning evil is the “norm” as the Mark we’ve come to know is more of an aberration. As ...
Whannell wanted Wolf Man to honor artists like Jack P. Pierce, the legendary creator of Lon Chaney Jr’s wolf in the 1941 Universal classic The Wolf Man, and he worked with hair and makeup ...
7 horror movies that will appeal to fans of Wolf Man (Image via Wolf Man Official Website/Netflix/Werewolves Facebook Page) The interest generated by Wolf Man by ...
In the build-up to Wolf Man's release, the design of the titular monster was seemingly unveiled when photos of a guy in a mask at Universal's theme park attraction found their way online.
For Women's History Month and International Women's Day, we spoke with Bari Wolfman, a leader in athlete marketing about her ...
It’s fair to say Wolf Man was a lackluster addition to the werewolf genre. It whimpers through its runtime thanks to plain characters and uninspired performances. However, Leigh Whannell made ...
“It would be good for us,” he argues. It will not, of course, because this is a Blumhouse movie called “Wolf Man.” It will not be good for Blake and it will not be good for the audienc ...
“Wolf Man” took home a modest $32.5 million at the worldwide box office when it released in theaters last month, but many may prefer to watch the horror film from home instead. The Christopher ...
If you found Joe Johnston’s failed 2010 vehicle for Benicio del Toro, The Wolfman, bogged down by Gothic melodrama, fussy folklore and CGI excess, then the comparatively bare-bones storytelling ...