Life is amazing. And then it's awful. And then it's amazing again. And in between the amazing and awful, it's ordinary and ...
To celebrate the colorful little decals that keep Angelenos rubbernecking on the road, we asked locals and visitors to share their favorite bumper stickers. Here's what they submitted.
You also could pick up a gray Mahler sweatshirt and a “Mahler Grooves” bumper sticker. With sublime craziness, Dudamel has been in the midst of another Mahler project with the L.A. Phil in ...
I'm a glutton for an overpriced Starbucks drink on occasion. Despite their expensive lattes, the Seattle-based chain announced Monday that it will lay off more than 1,000 corporate employees ...
“It’s like adding two officers to the force. (The cameras) pick up details (e.g. bumper sticker, license plate number, minor damage on a vehicle, etc.) that other surveillance cameras don’t.” The city ...
But that doesn’t make a good bumper sticker, and it doesn’t inspire crowds. Representative Jake Auchincloss, a Massachusetts Democrat, has warned against Democrats trying to offer voters a ...
“Up with EVs, down with Elon.” That’s the message on bumper stickers a D.C. resident had printed to put on her Tesla and give to others. As the political climate seems to grow more intense ...
In the last weeks, at least 270 motorists around the country have discovered building insulation foam stuffed in their exhaust pipes alongside bumper stickers with the slogan “Go Greener” and ...
In addition to dealer protests, anti-Musk bumper stickers for Teslas rocketed up the Amazon sales chart after the election last year, and calls to boycott Musk’s companies growing. Singer Sheryl ...
But lately, more and more Tesla drivers in this notoriously liberal city are putting anti-Elon Musk bumper stickers on their cars. Fred Liao has one of these stickers. It reads “I bought this ...
Los Angeles has reached peak bumper sticker: It’s now common to see cars displaying a rainbow of decals. Today’s stickers often mimic classic formulations from bumper stickers past and declare ...