Symptoms like vaginal dryness and painful orgasms are common in postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis. If you’re experiencing them, an OB-GYN or doctor can prescribe treatments to help ...
Though a person cannot pass balanitis to their partner, female partners of individuals with balanitis should get tested for Candida. They may also benefit from starting treatment just in case.
Cutaneous candidiasis is a yeast infection that affects the skin and causes a red rash accompanied by dry and scaly patches of skin. Sometimes, these scales will ooze pus or become crusty. Although ...
“Candidal infections can be very distressing. They are treated with antifungal medications, in forms of creams, suppositories, or oral tablets which may be needed for a longer time so that sympt ...
Mollie Davies is a health and lifestyle journalist with 5 years of experience reporting. Her work has appeared in Cosmopolitan, The Metro, Healthline, HelloGiggles, Reviewed, HuffPost, Independent ...