THE scale of neglect in Rotherham’s private rented housing sector has been exposed in statistics from the council which reveal the number of hazards discovered by inspectors.
A couple who bought their dream home have been left with a "disaster" after spotting a little plant growing out of the ...
It is envisaged that it will include the library, an accessible first floor hosting a skills and employment Hub and flexible activity and ...
Using adhesive for a long-term fix: If your creaky floorboards have thin grout lines instead of screws, Cox says you can use a bonding adhesive for floors. “Drill holes in your creaky floorboards or ...
They were hidden up in the floor joist of the first floor of the house ... These are the kinds of papers which people dispose of (or hide under floorboards) as historically insignificant - when ...
A couple uncovered a 100-year-old secret when renovating their home - and it has added a piece of history to their new home.
The couple also found a shoe under the floorboards in the top-floor bedroom. “Once we’d done the necessary repairs, we put the shoe back exactly as we found it,” adds Kelda.
How to stop wooden floorboards creaking, and when to call in an expert - Here’s how to identify the problem and top tips for ...
Lubricating floorboards: If you don’t have access to the subfloor, then one of the best ways to stop the noise is by lubricating the floor joists, Cox says. “Sprinkle powered graphite onto ...
“Carpeted floors can develop a creaky floorboard when the subfloor or joists loosen, and vinyl flooring can make noises if the adhesive weakens,” he explains. Quite apart from the type of ...