If you’re guilty of hunched-over texting and get the occasional neck and back pain from hard-to-break sleeping habits, we might’ve found a miracle product that may work for you. This back-stretching ...
The muscle we’re talking about is the diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle that sits below the lungs and is our primary ...
If you’re over the age of 25, you’ve likely experienced back aches at some point in your life. Back pain is one of the most ...
Make the most of rest days with these recuperation essentials.
The T stretch is done on the floor, often with a foam roll placed directly below the spine. It stretches the front of your chest. To do the exercise: Lie down on your back with the foam roll aligned ...
TriggerPoint says the GRID roller is great for massage, stretching and post-workout recovery. When you want to foam roll ... So if you want to work on sore chest muscles after completing a ...
These simple post-workout activities can help reduce pain and even improve athletic performance. But many people don't ...