Patients were randomised according to the following criteria: age ≥18 years; chest pain symptoms <12 h prior; prehospital ECG evidence of STEMI, including (1) ST-segment elevation of ≥0.1 mV in two ...
The ECG also displayed a QR pattern with convex ST-segment elevation (STE) in leads V1, V2, and aVR, along with reciprocal ST-segment depression in the inferior and anterior (V1 to V4) leads. In ...
An ECG revealed ST-T segment elevation with abnormal Q waves (Figure 3B). The clinical diagnosis was cerebral infarction concurrent with myocardial infarction, possibly indicating a cardio-cerebral ...
An ECG showed ST-elevation in II, III and AVF leads compatible with inferior myocardial ischemia. She was then given steroids and antihistamine intravenously and her symptoms and signs gradually ...