Alunos da segunda turma do curso de Medicina receberam boas vindas de professores, gestores da universidade e autoridades municipais ...
Isabella Strahan had a touchdown night at the Super Bowl. As Michael Stahan joined his fellow NFL on Fox commentators during the Feb. 9 game, his 20-year-old daughter, who confirmed over the ...
Ainda Estou Aqui e Fernanda Torres 'varreram' o Gold Derby Awards, nesta terça-feira (11). Os resultados divulgados durante ...
Ao todo, 23 suspeitos foram presos nesta quarta-feira (12). De acordo com a Polícia Civil, primeiros investigados ...
In the final month of her life, Isabella was found by police living on a beach in a tent A toddler who was beaten to death by her mother's new partner was failed by agencies across four counties ...