In Botswana's Okavango Delta — declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014 — warming trends over the past two decades are approximately twice the global average.
The data showed that some of these watering holes had experienced blooms of algae containing deadly toxins. An analysis of ...
Electric Jeeps and carbon credits are unlikely to make up for gas-guzzling private flights and building mini towns in the ...
Elephants are known for being wildly intelligent and incredibly social. They’re also one of the few animals — aside from humans — that grieve for their dead. They form tight social bonds with their ...
Elephants are very large, powerful creatures that roam Africa and parts of Asia in modern times. Their ancestors were once far more widespread, and humans have found evidence of these creatures in ...
In 2018, the Management & Ecology of Malaysian Elephants (MEME) carried out planning exercises using these tools to develop an Asian elephant conservation project with agriculture communities. First, ...
Mike Sutherland, founder of Escape Safari Co, witnessed the jaw-dropping scene during a private game drive at Mombo Camp in ...
Mike Sutherland, founder of Escape Safari Co, witnessed the jaw-dropping scene during a private game drive at Mombo Camp in Botswana’s Okavango ... filled with baby animals when an unattended ...
The ever-growing field of animal healing called zoopharmacognosy refers to behaviors animals use to medicate themselves or their relatives by ingesting or topically applying plants, soils ...
Surveying elephants is hard, risky work. Dedicated biologists have been doing this challenging task across Africa for decades. Systematic surveying started in the late 1960s but has been sporadic, as ...
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