The USS Nevada served in World War I and World War II and sat off Bikini Atoll in July 1946 during atomic bomb tests, ...
More than 83 years after he was killed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Mess Attendant 3rd Class Neil Daniel Frye ...
Neil Frye was a 20-year-old mess attendant from Vass, N.C., aboard the USS West Virginia when a Japanese torpedo sank it in ...
SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - A Savannah native and service member from World War II received an Arlington Burial on Thursday. Chief ...
Donald Trump’s neocolonial foreign policy could invite a surprise Chinese attack on an underprepared American island in the ...
Freeman K. Johnson was expecting only a cake for his 105th birthday celebration Wednesday in Hyannis. But others had a ...
The remains of a World War II sailor who was killed at Pearl Harbor while serving on the USS West Virginia will be returning ...
Johnson, who lives in Centerville, was a machinist first class working in a boiler room of the USS St. Louis at Pearl Harbor, ...
Johnson enlisted in the U.S. Navy in Boston at the age of 19. Once enlisted, he served aboard the U.S.S. St. Louis, which ...
The Bloomsburg Area High School Marching Band is set to perform at the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade in Hawaii.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Former U.S. sailor, and Pearl Harbor survivor, Ken Stevens has died. Stevens' family said that he died Thursday at the age of 102, two months shy of his 103 birthday. His ...
A World War II Navy veteran from Cape Cod and the oldest surviving veteran of Pearl Harbor was honored Wednesday at his 105th ...